This area is probably one of the most underestimated portions of the audition process. Most do not put much thought into their responses on the application nor the impression left by their audition picture. Most don’t realize that in some cases, the application and its contents and the picture that is submitted are sometimes the first impression that is given to the coaches. Don’t rush this process and please… don’t underestimate its importance.
In this course you will discover:
- Basic Elements of Almost Every Audition Application
- How to Present the “Best You” on Paper & via Your Picture
- How to Effectively Fill Out the Audition Application
- Do’s & Don’ts of Application Submission
- When/How to Turn in Your Application
- What Type of Picture You Should Submit with Your Application
- Do’s & Don’ts of Photo Submission
- What to Include and NOT Include on Your Resume and What to Do if a Resume is NOT Required
Before you start your training, be sure to download the below worksheets. Have your print outs and a pen ready to take notes and jot down any questions that you have.
- Application Responses Worksheet
You can use this worksheet to fill out ahead of time to craft the best responses to each section of the application. Then when the organization posts its application, just transfer (copy/paste) your responses.
- Resume Template #1
If the organization requests a formal resume, you can use this as a template to get started. If the organization does not ask for a formal resume, make a first great impression by including one.
- Examples of a Headshots, full body, collages, etc.
If possible, get professional pictures taken for your application. Use a photographer that has experience shooting swimsuit models and/or professional cheerleaders. Contact Sideline Prep to get in touch with our recommended photographer.
- Example of a “Audition Comp Card” – Front
This would be considered the collage portion of the comp card. Be sure to include the type of picture that is asked for (at a minimum). Some organizations will also allow multiple pictures via a collage.
- Example of a “Audition Comp Card” – Back
This could be the back of the comp card. It is basically your professional and dance/cheer resume.
NOTE: Please do NOT copy this Cheer Comp Card exactly. This is property of Kat Lorton who gave Sideline Prep, LLC permission to share with other Lovelies. - Sample Dance/Cheer Resume –General
This is an example of a dance/cheer resume. Be sure to include some of the following sections, based on your skills : Your name, “stats”, overview/summary, education background, brief professional experience, cheer, dance, model experience, and community service / civic activities.
- Sample Dance/Cheer Resume – Technical Example
This is an example of a dance/cheer resume for someone that has extensive technical dance training.
- Top 10 Pro Cheer Application Tips
This is a Top 10 list of tips that you should keep in mind while you are preparing your application for submission. These hold true if you need to submit your application online and/or if you are turning it in via mail or in person. This is just the "top" 10... don't forget about all the other tips that I discussed during the training.
- Top 10 Pro Cheer Photo Tips
This is a Top 10 list of tips that you should keep in mind for the pictures you are planning to submit with your application. These hold true if you need to submit your application online and/or if you are turning it in via mail or in person. This is just the "top" 10... don't forget about all the other tips that I discussed during the training.
- Application Elements Checklist
This document shows the general information, education, and occupation requirements that appear on most audition applications. It also provides suggestions on what skills, experiences, activities, etc. you should "highlight" within your application and/or resume. Finally, it provides some of the questions that organizations ask as part of the application process.
- Creative Resume Example
This is an one-page "graphic" of a resume. It's a very creative way to present your information. You can find someone to create something similar for you at Don't use this exact format... there are numerous different styles on Etsy to select from. This is obviously not a requirement... just something to consider.
PS - There are more corporate/professional-looking options as well, that can be used for job interviews. This is FAB way to stand out from your competition - in the pro cheer world, as well as, the work world.
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